
Classes are offered to Winfield residents at the Carol Stream Park District. All classes are held at Simkus Recreation Center. We use an additional room for tumbling. Participants may travel back and forth from the gymnastics room to room 5.

Parent viewing opportunities are the last week of class. During parent/child classes and parent observation week, please make alternate arrangements for siblings. Siblings under the age of 6 may not attend evening class observation.

Assessments are required for Grasshopper, Beginner I, Beginner II, Advanced Beginner, and novice levels. Assessments are also required for any of these levels if more than one session has been skipped. Call (630)784-6122 to schedule a time.

Only the registered child will be allowed to attend and participate. Due to our specific student/teacher ratios, make up classes are not available unless a class is canceled by the park district.

Participants must register at their own park district. No refunds will be issued after class registration is closed.
